Our aim is to create attractive, functional & safe urban environments linking buildings, spaces and activities. We provide a range of services for the design, planning, and construction of facilities in the urban environment, including:
Development/Context Planning: Integrate planning, urban design, architecture, landscape, construction skills and knowledge to create comprehensive development plans.
Feasibility Design Studies: Identify urban design issues and carry out urban design assessments including visual, bulk and spatial analysis exercises. Address key design issues such as location, context, neighboring, features, urban fabric, streetscapes, active edge, public realm, circulation, climate etc., in addition to all legal & planning requirements. Relevant site features recorded and examined with analytical diagrams, sketches and computer generated models.
Design Development: Co-ordination and collaboration at various design stages with planners, architects, engineering consultants, property consultants, and other professional disciplines. Implement design workshops and consultation processes to address social, economic and environmental issues/factors. Develop innovative solutions which create future opportunities.
Landscape and Visual Assessment: Assessment of the effects of a development on the surrounding environment, including any visual and landscape effects.